Smart Contracts
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Signet smart contracts implement the on-chain components of the Rollup:
Zenith accepts bundles of end-user Rollup transactions - which are signed by a Sequencer and submitted by a block Builder to the Host chain.
Transactor allows end users to force-submit transactions from the Host to the Rollup, bypassing any possibility of Builder-censored transactions.
Passage allows the passage of ETH and ERC-20 tokens from the Host to the Rollup.
Orders enable intents-based swapping, supplying tokens on the Rollup and receiving tokens on the Host or on the Rollup.
Each Signet smart contract is tightly integrated with the Signet Node. The contracts perform verification on the Host and then emit an event for the Node to observe and respond to.
The system was designed to be modular and as simple as possible. Each contract is designed to be simple and self-contained.
Permissioned Roles has a comprehensive view of the system's roles and permissions.